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Mar 15, 2012
Article #86
Author: Mel Jones

I've always said someone ought to do a reality show on the daily life of a restaurant broker.  The things we see, hear and experience would absolutely blow most people's minds. 

Today I met a client in Mid-Town.  If you know mid-town Sacramento, there are parking meters everywhere.  So he had to pull some quarters out of his pocket and in doing so he placed his cell phone on the top of the central time ticket machines.  He forgot it.

So he discovers an hour or two later that he lost the cell phone - an expensive one too.

So naturally he called it.  A person on the other end picked-up.

My client explains that he needs to get it.  The person says it will cost you $200.

But what the person failed to understand is my client is a cop!  Ooops!

So they agree to pay him - not really - at least they allow the person to think that.

They meet.  And they got the phone for nothing!  But can you beleive it!  What is this world coming to!  We're becoming a nation without values! A nation corrupt where everyone is trying to make a fast buck at the expense of their fellow man!

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